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Saturday Sessions

Registration Open July 15

I’ve been putting a lot of focus on clouds recently and came to realize that for years I had been adding clouds into my paintings without fully exploring the intricacies and subtleties that they offer. Whether composing a full stage cloudscape or their supporting role in a scene, adding intention to the way clouds are created has elevated my work. 

Are you finding your clouds flat and lifeless? Muddy colored with no connection to the rest of your painting? In this 2 hour workshop I’ll share the tips and techniques I use to add a whole new area of interest to your paintings. Let’s take a focused look at creating proper value and interesting color- Keep those clouds away from dingy grey!

Key points we’ll address

❍ Painting flowers from life

❍  Simplifying shape (less is more)

❍  Values

❍  Color Mixing for Vibrant blooms

❍  Foliage (the rest of the flower)


Sunflowers are everywhere in July!!  Architectural in their structure, bold contrast, and strong, clean lines.

The inspiration behind this month’s session is an interest in really honing in on the qualities of backlit light through the petals (and leaves). How to distinctly differentiate the color and the value from highlights and front-lit petals.

I’ll bring some fresh cuttings inside and paint from a simple bouquet . 


Key points we’ll address

❍ Painting flowers from life

❍  Simplifying shape (less is more)

❍  Values

❍  Color Mixing for Vibrant blooms

❍  Foliage (the rest of the flower)


Live 2-Hr Zoom

Cost: $120

A zoom link will be sent to your inbox Saturday morning prior to start

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